Bill McDaniel Fancy ๐Ÿ“ž

Sale price$2,650.00

๐Ÿ“ž This Product Deserves Personal Attention, Available for Direct Purchase Only

Take a look, this cue was part of my family collection for quite a few years, and was in a another collection for a few years before that

Bill McDaniel

Birdseye Maple Forearmย 

4 Tall Ebony Points with IV Spearheads

4 Short Cocobolo Points W IV Diamond Inlay and an Black/Blue/Green/Maple/Black Veneer Stack

Birdseye Maple Buttsleeve with the forearm Design is mirrored in the buttsleeveย 

Silver Dash Ringwork Above and below the wrap

5/16x14 SS Joint

Short Buttcap With the MCD Logo

Non IV Ferrules

Black/ White Linen was replaced a few years ago by Steve Lomax at SBE 2018 andย 

Butt 15.5

Shaft 1 3.8 12.90mm

Shaft 2 3.7 12.76mm

The cue is used but definitely not abused and shows a few marks, a few are through the finish on the Buttcap only, the finish on the rest of the cue could just be polished up

Butt rolls straight, Overall the cue is in good shape, a refinish will Make it perfect, shafts are in good shape and roll well

This is a fancy McD and should not last longย